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support for websites and softwares

If it’s broke, we’ll fix it.

The best way to think of your support period is like a car warranty. If it’s broke by default, we’ll fix it. If it’s broke because you interfered with the code or added a new plugin, then we cannot fix it for free. Here’s a complete list of things that will void our free support policy:

Adding, deleting, or altering website or software code, including HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node-JS, React etc
Adding a new theme, plugin or file that breaks your site
Changing settings of anything within cPanel
Any customization to the website or software that was not apart of the original design/build
If you are simply editing content in your admin dashboard such as text, pictures, videos, sliders, etc within your website- and something breaks on the frontend- you are entitled to free support during this period.

If you notice something that does not match the original design/build, please report it to us with the following protocol:

Describe the issue.
Send us the URL of the page where it’s occurring.
If it’s occurring site-wide, please inform us it’s a Global issue.
Send a picture, video, or screenshot of the issue.

Your support period begins immediately after your website goes live on your domain. The standard 30-day support period will last 30 calendar days. After this period expires, support is no longer free.If your support period expires before we fix an issue that you have already addressed, we will still fix it as long as you made us aware within the permitted timeframe.

Per 30 days of support, you’ll have access to 2 hours of free training- showing you how to edit the content of your website (text, pictures, videos, etc).How to use software.

Training can be conducted in video conference meetings, or via recording (your preference).

Training is not scheduled by default. If you would like to receive training on something specific, please reach out to us.